Volunteers - South Kensington


Volunteering with us

After 141 years of its foundation, the RMI congregation present in Europe, America, Asia and Africa, opens its doors to YOUNG PEOPLE who are sensitive to social problems and human rights, who knows how to be with those in need, enjoy making others happy and work in a team. It is not a matter of giving a few hours, rather it is rather a way of life.

You can do small ways of volunteering in the hostel like gardening, helping in the washing up area, or any other small tasks in the house.

For volunteering in the UK, please ask the Sisters about their known contacts in the area like Caritas Westminster, Age UK, etc.

Thinking of becoming a VOLUNTEER in one of our houses in Europe, America, Asia or Africa?  Email us for more information: info@fundacionmanuelmariavicuna.org

Or check our website: www.fundacionmanuelmariavicuna.org